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Lisa & Isabel Guzman
July 26, 2024
Lisa met with SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman at the Made in America event to discuss our company’s origins, current initiatives, and future plans. We emphasized our unique role in driving manufacturing innovation across the Midwest, particularly through our cutting and sewing operations right here in Indiana.
Lisa's Feature on Larry Reidy's America Podcast
"Lisa Hutson will be changing Downtown Batesville into an incredible workplace, living area, entertainment center, and, in my opinion, a destination place. Listen to this podcast if you are interested in this exciting future of our community."
Industry Week Feature
Ardent Mills and Cosawove Workwear™ began holding weekly meetings to identify ways to provide women employees with the same and equal options as men have in their rental contract, and by January 2023, after nearly three years, the Women’s Uniform Initiative rolled out to sites across the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. All facilities with interested female team members, no matter their role, were involved in the project.
From Bike Lovers to Zoning Experts: The Voices of Strong Towns
Lisa joins Up Zoned Podcast at the 2024 National Gathering for Strong Towns. Here she speaks on our Redevelopment Project and her vision for the future.
Wish TV Feature
We were thrilled to be featured on a Wish TV special that delves into our identity and the transformative changes we're making in the workwear world!
Cargill Empowers Women in Supply Chains
We were highlighted in Cargill's article. Providing comfortable and safe uniforms and boots for both women and men is something we're so passionate about.

Entrepreneurship Indianas Jahrbuch
Die Förderung einer Kultur der Teamarbeit, des Verständnisses, des Wachstums und des Respekts hat für uns oberste Priorität. Während wir weiter wachsen, streben wir danach, ein Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem sich jeder wertgeschätzt fühlt und ermutigt wird, sein Bestes zu geben. Wir verpflichten uns zu einem guten existenzsichernden Lohn, tollen Sozialleistungen und einer positiven Arbeitserfahrung. Laden Sie den Bericht hier herunter: https://buff.ly/3XxHml2
Ardent Mills ESG-Strategiebericht
„Wir bekräftigen, dass jeder Einzelne wichtig ist, unabhängig davon, wen er liebt, welche Hautfarbe er hat, woher er kommt oder welche Größe er hat. Wir bieten allen außergewöhnlichen Service und wahren Inklusivität und Fairness durch unsere gleichen Preise und inklusiven Größen. Jeder hat es verdient, sich in der Kleidung, die er trägt, sicher und wohl zu fühlen.“
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